
30 January 2013

This morning started off pretty bad. About 2:30 this morning, Jenna's Grandma passed away. She was a very sweet lady and she will be missed a great deal. Although Jenna wanted to be with her family, she had some stuff she had to do at work. So we both went to work in the morning, hoping to get gone by early afternoon.

Some of our friends have been having a White-Winged Crossbill come to their bird feeder here in Columbia. We had tired a couple of times to see it and failed. While still in town, we got another call that the bird was back. So, we tried again. We stayed about an hour and the bird never showed. Jenna and I were both hoping to see it since it would be a life bird for both of us. We think they're making it up. :) Just kidding, Matt and Amanda. We know they know what they're talking about. Amanda actually got some pretty good pictures of the bird. It does go to show however, that it's hard to predict nature and that we should always be aware if we want to see cool things. That bird shouldn't be here in Missouri, on a feeder in the middle of town, and with no conifers anywhere in sight. Some people just get lucky. :)

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